Axel Donath

Selected Publications

H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane Survey (2018)

The H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane Survey is the most sensitive survey of the inner Galaxy in very-high-energy gamma rays to date. It was conducted with the H.E.S.S. array of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes in the years 2004-2013. The survey covers Galactic longitudes between 250 and 65 degrees and Galactic latitudes between ± 3 degrees. We constructed a uniform catalog using a multi-step Poisson maximum likelihood fitting technique. In the catalog we list 78 sources, of which 16 are new discoveries. The catalog contains the most important properties of the sources, such as their position, extension, flux and spectral shape and most likely associations. The data set and the results are publicly available and have been used in many scientific publications and has been cited >400 times (until 2024). The survey has been published in a special issue of Astronomy & Astrophysics in 2018.

Links: Paper | Webpage and Data Release | Press Release

Gammapy: a Python Package for Gamma-Ray Astronomy (2023)

Gammapy is a Python package for Gamma-ray astronomy. In the paper we describe the overall idea and design of Gammapy and give an overview of the functionality and API. We also present many analysis examples on public datasets. Including the analysis of the Galactic center region with simulated CTA data, time based analysis of MK 421 using H.E.S.S. data, the Crab nebula with Fermi-LAT data. We also demonstrate how to combine data from different instruments, such as H.E.S.S. and Fermi-LAT to improve the scientific results. The paper was published in Astronomy & Astrophysics in 2023 and selected as an A&A Editors Highlight. The paper serves as the main reference for the Gammapy software package.

Links: Paper | A&A Editors Highlight | Paper Source Repository | Software

Joint Deconvolution of Astronomical Images in the Presence of Poisson Noise (2024)

Jolideco is a new method for joint deconvolution of astronomical images in the presence of Poisson noise. It allows to reconstruct a single image from multiple observations of different instruments with different point spread functions and exposure times. For the reconstruction it uses a maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of the joint Poisson likelihood of all observations under a patch based image prior. The image prior is learned from astronomical images at other wavelengths, such as images from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) or GLEAM radio survey. In the paper we introduce the method and demonstrate its performance on simulated datasets. We show that the method results in a significant improvement in the reconstruction quality compared to other state-of-the-art methods. Most importantly Jolideco also allows science users to combine data from different instruments which further improves the reconstruction quality. In the paper we demostrate the method on example datasets of the SNR E0102 from the Chandra X-ray Observatory and Fermi-LAT data of the region around Vela Junior.

Links: Paper | Paper Source Repository | Software

Validation of Standardized Data Formats and Tools for Ground-level Particle-based Gamma-ray Observatories (2022)

This paper was lead by Laura Olivera-Nieto a former PhD student at my institute in Heidelberg. The paper is based on an idea and prototype I worked on, to apply the standardized data model of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs) to the High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory (HAWC). In the paper we showed that the data models are indeed compatible and we could replicate previous results from HAWC using Gammapy with excellent agreement. The paper was a major step towards a joint analysis of data from both types of instruments and will pave the way for future joint anlaysis with upcoming instruments such as CTA and SWGO. The paper has been published in Astronomy & Astrophysics in 2022 and included a release of HAWC event files and instrument response functions in the standardized data format.

Links: Paper | HAWC Crab Data Release

Other Publications

Other publications include smaller contributions to other collaboration papers by H.E.S.S. such as on Galactic diffuse TeV emission or an unbiased search for shell-like supernova remnants.

My complete list of publications can be found on ADS, Google Scholar and my ORCID Page.